(Article): The Letter (@gracieamnut)

Dear Mrs Life,
I know you already know my name because that's your job right?
Please pardon my manners Mrs Life, I totally forgot to ask after your health,but then again I know you don't have to worry about Health do you? Please say Hi to Mr. Happiness,Mr Success and even Miss Love for me I met Miss Love a few years
back when I went for this field trip...oh pardon me,I'll write you another letter to give you tales of the adventure of Miss Love and I.
Am writing to plead with you,yes, plead with you to let me grow old. (Yeh I've told God too) but I just thought I had to tell you also. I'd also like to meet with Miss Love again, she promised she'd
come my way again (can't wait) and oh Happiness, Health, Peace and others have been so nice these few years.
Some nights though,I stay in bed and remember the way Sadness and Depression used to bully me and then I smile because now I know they can't get at me again.
Thank you Life for the lessons you teach me each day and the corrections I have to take each time I fail at your tests. I know am not your best student but I'm promising to always put in my best.

                                                                                                                                   Your Student,
                                                                                                                                  Grace Okogwu.
Please is Life is what we make out of it right,Mrs Life?

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