Article: I REALIZED SOMETHING by @Graiceamunt

I know it's been a while and all. I was on my bed listening to a song feeling restless, wanting to sleep and be awake at the same time when 'click!' it all came to me like lightening and hit my mind. Life's not the difficult homework we make it seem; life has two major keys and they are
: God and You.
Most of the time we're in a situation and it goes the wrong way have we ever gone back and asked ourselves, 'how would this have gone if I had reacted in this way and not that other way I had reacted?' Life and all its drama would be better played if we sometimes took out a teeny weeny bit of our time to reflect on our lives, the way we treat others, the way we should have handled a situation that went all wrong, the way we should have spoken to some random person or a friend. It's kinda... (No, it's VERY!) difficult doing all that (even for me...). I mean who'd wanna be nice to that annoying guy, or that bitchy babe, or the stern lecturer, or an annoying parent? Certainly not most of us. Ignore this write-up but take your time to think of life this way: If I determine what my life would be like, it'd definitely come to be. If I'm determined to forgive anyone, then I will.
I realized something....I realized that in life it's YOU who rules; it's you who determines who and what you want to become. I know this, all of this sounds cliché and like a fairytale, 'fairy godmother flips her magical wand and everything becomes great' kind of gist, it's a reality check and it's real. So you could try it out and find out the truth for yourself.

Grace Okogwu


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