I was battling with my assignment last night, Natural sciences precisely. Mehn! That stuff bores students in the faculty of arts. I turned on my data to read people's status update on BBM and guess what i saw, a heart-breaking status update "That's my nigger." Natural science is s horror. I had a reason for running away from sciences in high school. That status update is worse. It's funny how
Nigerians use some slangs because we want to be "Americanized" and we want to fit into a society that doesn't accept us. We want to be trendy, how pathetic! Ever wondered why the term "black American" or "nigger" is rarely used in literature now? Oh, you are not aware that they are now called "Afro-Americans?" You seriously want to know why? It's because the term "black" is offensive. Why not "white Americans?" In my little study of American literature, i feel I've learnt a lot about racism and the way the African-Americans feel about the term. It is racism that inspired the African-Americans to write. Joseph Conrad in his book titled Heart of Darkness portrays Africa as the heart of darkness. He wrote what he felt was the lifestyle of the Africans and published for public consumption. His work inspired Chinua Achebe to write Things Fall Apart, portraying the real image of Africa and correcting the wrong impression people had about Africa and Africans.
Back to our bone of contention, do you have any idea what the word "nigger" means? The Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English defines the term as an offensive word which means black. The dictionary further warns us not to use this word. It's not our slang. We should try to be ourselves. Don't try so hard to be Americanized, it won't ne appreciated because your are not white. Speak good English and spend more time correcting your bad English than trying to have an American accent. You seriously think that when you have that accent that or when you bleach your skin and you travel down there you will be welcomed? No, you won't be welcomed because you are an African. They are the higher beings while we are the lesser beings, right? African-Americans in America have fought so hard to completely eradicate racism which of course we know is not possible. We can only reduce it by helping the African-Americans eliminate the word from our vocabulary. Eliminating it completely doesn't make you less trendy. You are not a tar baby, you are not a nigger, you are not a negro, you are not a black baby, you are not from the heart of darkness, you are an African. Let's say no to racism, let them know that we matter, let us uphold our culture, our pride. Let them know that we completely abhor racism. Proudly an African.
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