As much as this seems to be a shallow ish, I've been trying

      To go a step ahead in really understanding the challenges we
      face everyday in school (The University of Nigeria, Nsukka
      specifically), that I took the liberty of asking some
      students the question, "what do you think are the top
      three reasons this institution sucks?" Institution being
      "unn" as a school and student body?" I also took the liberty
      of posting their replies below, LOL without their permission.
      For privacy purpose, I only included their first names. You
      guys, please forgive me..so_ leggo

      "The lecturing methods, the environment and lack of modern
      equipments Asin for praticals and all", - Olachi

      "It sucks because it doesn't give students a perfect platform
      to develop all round. To break it down...In comparison with
      other schools (janded mostly),they have a lot of extra
      curriculum for under graduate programs which does not in any
      way deviate their specialisation yet widens their perspective
      about everything and brings a whole new level of
      understanding about the important things of life. Unn do
      routine a lot and believe me when I say it sucks damn hard
      coz change is a constant thing and Nigeria Educational system
      shouldn't be an exception;The second thing is that it needs
      growth! Infrastructure wise! What I see everyday here is
      resuscitation not resurrection! They are two different
      things. Resuscitation has a lot to do with renovation and all
      but resurrection has more to do with rebuilding and total
      rehabilitation. We need more classrooms! Modernised thearter,
      standard laboratories, recreation centers and better
      refectories! I mean state of the art structure befitting of a
      University that grooms young leaders of tomorrow;Student
      welfare is zero! It sucks coz they take my money as its no
      man's sweat and they don't give a shot about how I survive @
      this jungle. That isn't right! I give you my money..u give me
      your care! We good. But where is gonna be the trust of giving
      you more money when you don't give a green Fk about how I
      survive? How do I manage to get my courses registered when
      ICT fails to upload it? How do re - write a course because
      the lecturer carelessly lost my script? How do I go without
      bathing for days because the works did not do their job?
      There is a lot of hows! And till they start caring about
      those little welfare of mine...Believe me, my institution is
      still sucking!", -Love.

       "They make things difficult for us Students; Their
      staff has lackadaisical attitude towards their work they come
      whenever they want; They are leaving in past glory." - Ernest

      "Social Life; Environment_ via Nsukka as a whole; Then lastly
      Curriculum." -Soma

      "Department and facaulty nights...that's all. I don't think
      the school has enough activities_ too limited. I also don't
      like the idea of lectures going on till's
      stupid, scratch that, it's stressful." -Micheal

      "as a school, they are very rigid, not nice. They put
      positions first before Students' ish" -Jay

      "Exams, Exams, Exams" -Kingsley

       "Student lecturer relationship; The Social Life; Creativity is not appreciated in Unn (University of Nigeria, Nsukka" -

       " The fact that we have to write exams;
The fact that
      we have to write exams;
The fact that we have to write
      exams." - Marv
      I believe we can all relate to their opinions, afterall, we
      all go through the stress together. It's quite shameful some
      of the things our schools lack; facilities, condusive lecture
      environment, the overworking of Students and even some
      ill-mannered students. In my opinion, a school should have
      way more than education to offer. What happened to skill
      improvement and Extra Curricula activities? Why are we mostly
      uptight? Why do we get frustrated or depressed? These are a
      few questions I'd ask and expect answers from the man or
      woman (since I'm not anti-feminist) in charge of running our
      schools, if I met Them, or Her or Him.
Sure we do have a say in all of this_ the chaos, the academic stress and never ending depression, Don't we?
  Feel free to comment on your opinions folks.


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