Popular Tv show Empire sued for $500,000.

 Executive producers of Fox hit TV show, Empire, may be going to court as a man named Jon Astor-White is now suing executive producers, Danny Strong and Lee Daniels, as well as Imagine Entertainment and 21st Century Fox with the claim that he shopped around a show called "King Solomon" back in 2007 which bears a lot of similarities to "Empire".

 Astor-White claims his show would have starred Richard Roundtree, and was about a record executive and his family and their battle over control of the company. He believes the creators of the show owe him $500 million for stealing his idea.

Astor-White also said he faxed the treatment around, and included a proposed cast list which which included Diahann Carroll, Alicia Keys, Kanye West, John Goodman, George Hamilton and Angie Dickinson.

Astor-White describes his show as "the style and elegance of 'Dynasty' meets 'The Sopranos' with a sprinkling of 'The Godfather' ,a similar comparison Marvin Gaye III made in his claim.

The show has previously been sued by a guy with Jackson family connections and by a woman who claims she is the real Cookie.‎


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